News: Galaxy, Twilight Princess Too 'Conservative'

Nintendo's Shigeru Miyamoto thinks that Mario Galaxy and Zelda: Twilight Princess weren't revolutionary enough...

Despite universally high critical praise, Nintendo gaming legend Shigeru Miyamoto has said he thinks the latest in the Mario and Zelda franchises did not go far enough. Speaking to MTV Multiplayer, he said:

What I've been saying to our development teams recently is that "Twilight Princess" was not a bad game, by any means. But, still, it felt like there was something missing. And while, personally, I feel like "Super Mario Galaxy" was able to do some things that were very new and were very unique, at the same time, from another perspective, certain elements of it do feel somewhat conservative in terms of how far we branched out with design. And so this is something I've been talking to both of those teams about.

Of course, as is customary with Nintendo, it's very rare that we are able to announce any games until they're ready for release, but I can say that these are themes that both of those teams are taking into account and the hope is that for both of those franchises, when we do release the next installments of the "Zelda" [franchise] or maybe the next "Galaxy," hopefully they will feel newer and fresher than their most recent versions.

We adored both titles... which only makes us more excited about what could be to come in the future! For more comments from the man himself, check out the full interview here.

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