News: Gambling Edited Out Of Pokémon Platinum

Posted 25 May 2009 at 19:12 by Tom Phillips
European copies of Pokémon Platinum are missing something found in Australian and American versions... slot machines!
Since Pokémon Red & Blue, gamers have been able to play a few slot machine mini-games for prizes in every main Pokémon title to date. And we're pretty sure that means all of: Yellow, Gold, Silver, Crystal, Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald, Fire Red, Leaf Green, Diamond and Pearl. Phew. But no more!
Bizarrely, European copies of new release Platinum have had the slot-machine toting Game Corner erased, presumably to stop any little kiddies playing getting too addicted, leading to them taking up gambling in real life. Surely the little kiddies are too young to get into casinos anyway?
Australian and American copies of the game remain unscathed, so if you are already a gambling addict and still want your fix in Pokémon Platinum - you can always import.