News: GAME Considers Closure

Posted 05 Mar 2012 at 19:59 by Ashley Jones
GAME's downward spiral continues and the company directors are reportedly considering "pulling the plug".
While GAME was once a powerhouse on the UK high street recent weeks have shed light on the sustainability of the company. Now, according to a source that has spoken to The Daily Express, the directors are considering "pulling the plug" now rather than face insolvency.
The newspaper reports that the directors feel that shutting up shop now may be a better move than try and fight on and face insolvency at the end of this trading season. The source told The Daily Express:
"There is a real risk that Game's directors will pull the plug because they can't be sure that the company can survive through the next trading season, and then insolvency becomes inevitable. They are in discussions with their legal advisers about whether to shut up shop rather than rack up more losses."
In recent weeks the company has announced that they won't be stocking a number of titles. They are already not stocking two recent Nintendo titles, The Last Story and Mario Party 9, and have announced that they will stock no future EA titles due to financial constraints. Considering that EA titles such as Fifa tend to stay on the chart most of the year round a lot of doubt has been cast on the company's future.
GAME purchased their competitor Gamestation several years ago as well as a number of online retailers. While they have moved into Europe and own over 1000 stores in total their lenders recently tried to insist that they close more European stores and with more and more titles not being stocked things do not seem good for a company once synonymous with gaming in the UK.
We'll keep you updated with news but if you want to discuss this issue our forum members are already asking: GAME Group, what next?.