News: GameCube Back on Track?

Reports are flowing saying GameCube sales in the UK are thriving again!

Cube-Europe got word from several retailers in the UK that GameCube sales are thriving again because of Nintendo's new offer. Dixons for example contacted us saying they sell the Cube now for �99 including a free game of choice and as a result some stores have none or very little Cubes left!

Resident Evil Zero is also doing very well. Reports are flowing in that the title is out of stock in most videogames stores.

We have not heard yet about sales in other European countries. We would appreciate it is you could check out your local stores and let us know how the Cube is doing in your country so we can spread the word!

This kind of news has been anticipated by a lot of us here at Cube-Europe. We are glad to hear the Cube is doing well in the UK. As soon as official sales numbers are in we will let you know!

Game on!

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