News: Gamecube Launch Worries

If you've been to a videogames shop recently you may have noticed the massive amount of Xbox related propaganda. How come there's nothing on the Gamecube front? Come on Nintendo!

If the Gamecube is really destined for an early March launch, why have Nintendo not confirmed the date? Even the most loyal Nintendo fans are starting to get worried. Where are the posters? Where are the advertisements? And where is the press coverage?

A supplement in last week's UK Sunday Times Newspaper (The Good Life Book or something) listed the hundred top reasons why 2002 would be a great year, with the Gamecube ranking at number 60, two spaces above the Xbox (at 62). So the GC is getting some media attention, but more could be done to give the European public at little Gamecube awareness.

The Xbox isn't receiving that much coverage, but with major European retailers advertising Xbox preorders in national newspapers, it's no wonder that people are forgetting the little they know about our beloved Cube (hardcore gamers excluded). Electronics Boutique, Game, Dixons and Curry's (to name a few) have all started taking Xbox preorders. EB and Game in particular are devoted a lot of floor and wall space to the Xbox, and it hasn't even been released here yet. Gamecube propaganda is no where to be seen!

Why have Nintendo left is so late to tell the world about their European Cube launch? Roll on February 4, when (fingers-crossed), Nintendo will reveal all on their European Gamecube launch plans. Two weeks to go . . .

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