News: GameCube Rules Japan!

Breaking News: The GameCube is gaining on the Playstation2 in Japan. Sales have doubled!

Brace yourself... The GameCube hardware sales have doubled last week to an amazing number of 37.400 !! That is only one thousand less than the total PS2s sold that same week. Oh and the Xbox is on the 4th spot with only 1.900 units sold.

Not only are the hardware sales thriving in Japan, also the Nintendo software titles are selling like hot cakes! The top 5 of all the software being sold in Japan are games for either the GBA or the GCN.

New in the charts is Biohazard 0 of which almost 200k copies have been sold in just a couple of days.


1. GameBoy Advance - 150,800 (2,313,400)
2. PlayStation 2 - 38,400 (3,101,500)
3. GameCube - 37,400 (923,400)
4. XBox - 1,900 (273,600)
5. PS One - 1,800 (205,900)
6. WonderSwan Crystal - 1,300 (102,500)


1. Pocket Monsters Sapphire (Nintendo/GBA) - 549,300
2. Pocket Monsters Ruby (Nintendo/GBA) - 543,900
3. Biohazard 0 (Capcom/GC) - 194,900
4. Super Robot Taisen: Original Generation (Banpresto/GBA) - 147,300
5. Mario Party 4 (Nintendo/GC) - 31,600 (291,700)
6. Taiko no Tatsujin (Namco/PS2) - 27,800 128,700
7. Breath of Fire V: Dragon Quarter (Capcom/PS2) - 23,100 (106,800)
8. Pop n' Music 7 (Konami/PS2) - 20,500
9. DQ Characters: Torneko no Daiboiken 3 (Enix/PS2) - 19,500 (445,600)
10. Zero 4 Champ Series: Drift Champ (Hudson/PS2) - 18,700

OMG! These charts are all Nintendo! Japan is making a come back! Now I would like to see some European console sales numbers...

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