News: Gamers Killing Nature?

Fox News is blaming video games for the death of nature. Find out the details inside...

From a National Academy of Science report, Fox news states that due to video games people are no longer going out to parks and that the issuance of hunting and fishing licenses have been going down by 18 and 25 percent in the 1980s and 1980s respectivly. This is when video games rapidly began to expand and according to Fox, this is not a coincedence.

The article also states "The replacement of vigorous outdoor activities by sedentary, indoor videophilia has far-reaching consequences for physical and mental health, especially in children. Videophilia has been shown to be a cause of obesity, lack of socialization, attention disorders and poor academic performance." Although fishing has declined, hunting is holding on to it's market share, and Jack Thompson can agree that it's due to gamers wanting to go on killing sprees due to the evil that is video games.

Japan began to decline on trips to the parks in 1991 by 18% which was about when Super Mario Bros. 3 came out. Did that many people stop going to the park because they wanted to play Mario again?

Stay with N-Europe for all the other evil doings coming from video games...

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