News: GBA Ambassador Full List

Posted 14 Dec 2011 at 14:35 by Joshua Phillips
Head inside to view the full list of titles that will be available to download this Friday in Europe!
It's finally happened, after countless rumours stating that the downloadable GBA games have slipped into 2012 and countless re-confirmations that they will be out 'by the end of the year' we now know that the GBA games will actually be available to download on the 16th December - That's this Friday! (Cue head explosion)
There's a juicy line-up too, including F-Zero Maximum Velocity, Super Mario Advance 3 and The Legend of Zelda: Minish Cap!

The full list of downloadable games is as follows:
- F-Zero Maximum Velocity
- Super Mario Advance 3
- The Legend of Zelda: Minish Cap
- Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones
- Kirby and the Amazing Mirror
- Mario Kart Advance
- Mario vs. Donkey Kong
- Metroid Fusion
- Wario Land 4
- Wario Ware, Inc. Mega Microgame$
Keep an eye on your notification LED which is sure to shine a beautiful shade of blue in the next few days confirming these titles and when you can download them.
What titles are you looking forward to the most and what do you plan to download? Or do you plan to just get all of them? Let us know your thoughts below.