News: Gearbox Interested In Revolution Support

Gearbox, creators of the Brothers In Arms franchise, have expressed interest in developing for Revolution! Read more inside...

Nintendo fans may not be too familiar with Gearbox. Most well known for their Brothers in Arms series of games, they never saw fit to develop any for the Cube.

However, Randy Pitchford, president of Gearbox, was asked in an interview about the newly unveiled Revolution controller, and more specifically if Gearbox would be interested in developing games for Nintendo's next-gen console.

He replied: "I think the Revolution is an interesting device and I look forward to the challenge of making games for it. There are a few ideas I've nurtured over the years that I think would be very appropriate for the interface options the Revolution provides.

Nothing official, but a good hint that we may see something from the company in the future. And another developer impressed by the controller is good news indeed.

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