Aliens: Colonial Marines

News: Gearbox's Pitchford Praises Wii U

Studio chief says the Aliens game on Wii U will be "the best looking console version"...

Gearbox Software president Randy Pitchford has been talking up Wii U in anticipation of his studio's Aliens: Colonial Marines coming to the system.

Speaking with Gamespot, Pitchford made the headline-making claim that the Wii U version of Aliens would be the "best looking" console version.

He also very distinctly iterated that "Wii U is a next generation system", adding it is "very powerful" compared with Xbox 360 and PS3. On the subject of online, he added that prospective Wii U owners should be "confident" the system offers everything they'd expect, but emphasised that Nintendo should and would be the ones to divulge full details in due course.

You can watch the full interview below. The Wii U talk starts at around the 7:23 mark.

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