News: Germany To Ban Black Ops Imports

Posted 22 Nov 2010 at 19:06 by Aaron Clegg
The German government looks set to move in to ban uncensored European imports of Call of Duty: Black Ops...
While we take the monumental success of the Call of Duty franchise for granted, the franchise has always gotten on the wrong side of the German censor boards, who are notoriously strict with most violent video games.
While Call of Duty: Black Ops saw release in Germany, it wasn't without suffering some heavy cuts, losing such things as blood splatter and certain torture scenes. Many independent stores enjoyed some cult popularity selling imported, uncut versions of the game, but it looks like this will come to an end very soon.
CVG have reported that the German authorities, namely the Federal Department of Media Harmful to Young Persons, will be stepping in later this week to enforce a ban on all international versions of the game. It will surely mean that stores will have to remove imported copies of Black Ops from their shelves, and, once again, German consumers will have no choice but to purchase the censored cut.
Are you residing in Germany? Will the ban actually make a difference to the choice offered on high streets? Do drop a comment below...