News: Get Ready To Defend Your Castle

Posted 25 Jul 2008 at 11:24 by Nathan Whincup
XGen Studios have confirmed that they'll be bringing Defend Your Castle to the European WiiWare service next Friday.
Giant, pointy, all-seeing and all-knowing cursors flying through the air like jet-powered arrows; angry peasants screaming in utter terror and agony as their torso splatters violently against the ground - why, it could only be Defend Your Castle! We found out that the rebellion-crushing sim would be coming to WiiWare back in February, and we Europeans have endured quite a long wait for the title, as it was originally released on May 12th in the US.
The wait is finally over, as XGen Studios have provided us with confirmation that Defend Your Castle will be launching an assault on the European WiiWare service on August 1st for the very affordable price of 500 Wii Points.
In addition, XGen also told us that Defend Your Castle is heading for a release in Japan thanks to a few new partnerships. We also know that XGen are working on a completely new WiiWare IP, which they're 'very excited about'.
Click here to read our interview with XGen Studios, and stick around for our review of the addictive murder-'em-up.