News: Get Ready To Rotom With Mystery Gift!

Posted 09 Jun 2009 at 13:04 by Nathan Whincup
A new Mystery Gift is available for Pokémon Platinum in Europe via Wi-Fi Connection. Are you ready to Rotom?
The first Mystery Gift for the third instalment in the DS series of Pokémon RPGs, Platinum, has been made available in Europe via Wi-Fi Connection.
The Mystery Gift is a Secret Key, a key item which allows you to access a secret room in Team Galactic's Veilstone HQ where five orange appliances await. Providing you have a Rotom in your party, you can make it possess one of these appliances and thus change form, allowing the freaky little poltergeist higher base stats and a few exclusive moves depending on the form it takes.
Still haven't got Mystery Gift? Simply head up to the second floor of Jubilife TV in Jubilife City, talk to the TV producer and answer his questions with the following responses: "EVERYONE HAPPY WI-FI CONNECTION". The next time you start up your game, the Mystery Gift option should be available on the main menu screen. Receive your gift and let the form-swapping fun commence!
This particular Mystery Gift is available only on European copies of Pokémon Platinum, and will expire on 19th July 2009.