Harry Potter and The Goblet of Fire DS

News: Goblet Of Fire DS Screens!

The fourth Harry Potter book turned movie turned game is hitting the DS at the end of the year, and we've got a bunch of new screens inside.

Fans of the teenage wizard rejoice, the DS game is actually looking pretty good. Featuring some pretty 3D visuals, Goblet is the first Potter game on the DS.

When Harry is mysteriously selected as the fourth contestant in the dangerous Triwizard Tournament, you will need to compete in all three of its dangerous tasks - battling dragons, merpeople and legendary monsters in a gigantic maze.

A new control scheme using the touch screen will mean casting spells is a much simpler process than before, and the two screens mean more action can take place on screen at once.

Check out the latest screens below:

Click for Screens (12 new)

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