News: Goldeneye DS

We have more information on James Bond's debut on the DS platform. And it's good�

Well, if you are a big fan of the Nintendo 64 multi-million classic game Goldeneye, then you should be very happy. Here we have some new information that has been presented by GCAdvanced, who claims it has confirmed it with Electronic Arts:

  • Electronic Arts is developing the game and will publish it exclusively for the DS.
  • It is based on the Nintendo 64 game.
  • It will support 8-16 players and there is a possibility of wi-fi multiplayer via the internet.
  • Right now, it is unknown whether the game will use the same engine or if it is being rebuilt.
  • That's all for now. Whether these are facts or rumours we don't know. If we are to believe GCA, these are facts confirmed by Electronic Arts. Stay tuned for more information.

    Update: GCAdvanced has deleted its story.

    The original source of this story has deleted its post. It appears that the only pieces of information than can be officially confirmed from the announcement of a Goldeneye DS is the fact that Electronic Arts is publishing the title for the DS, with EA also acting as the developer. Also, the official title name is currently being labeled Goldeneye: Rogue Agent.

    We are afraid that this will blow all previous options away. It could still be based on the N64 version, but this has now been put in doubt. Expect more on this upcoming DS title as soon as we get the official word from EA.

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