News: Greece Bans Gaming *

The Greek parliament has voted in a new law that bans all forms of gaming.

You'd think this law would relate only to gambling games, but apparently the Greece parliament thinks videogames are evil too. Console games, PC games, handheld games, cell phone games, they've all been banned in private areas.

The original idea was to only ban gambling establishments, but the broad language of the law prohibits all forms of electronic gaming.

If you break the law, you can be put in jail for up to three months and be forced to pay a 5,000 euro fine. Repeat offenders can face up to a year in prison and a 50,000 to 75,000 euro fine.

Two Internet café owners are already scheduled to stand trial on September 10 in a Thessalon�ki court for allowing computer games in their establishments.


A person from Greece emailed us, and explained it a bit for us:

"The law prohibits to internet cafes and other public places to computers with games and/or other games and allow the public to pay to play games. No one says that it is illegal to play GBA in public but there can't be arcade games without the licence. "

Thanks for the update!

Why would you punish for allowing others to play videogames. I hope the Greece parliament realizes soon that this law is really stupid.

Source: GameSpot

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