News: Green Day: Rock Band In The Works

Posted 13 Dec 2009 at 06:44 by Aaron Clegg
EA and Harmonix line up another band to get the Rock Band treatment...
After releasing The Beatles: Rock Band earlier this year, EA has been quick to sign on another big-name act to get their own music game.
The publisher has confirmed that Green Day will be getting their very own title in the form of Green Day: Rock Band, due to release on all current-gen consoles in 2010. The band will be lending their likeness and input to the game to give it a full Green Day authenticity.
Interestingly, the Xbox 360 and PS3 versions of the game will feature an exportable option so gamers can play the full set list on Rock Band and Rock Band 2, yet this will not feature in the Wii version.
What do you think of the announcement? Another welcome music game, or are EA trying to squeeze a little too much out of the franchise?