News: Griptonite Games Would Like To Work on Wii U

Posted 05 Jul 2011 at 08:29 by Ashley Jones
The team behind the new Shinobi title for the 3DS talk about Wii U.
The surprise announcement of a 3DS version of Shinobi raised a lot of interest in the gaming community. As Griptonite Games work to make the game everything gamers remembered from the series' roots, rather than its PS2 outings, NowGamer interviewed them about Shinobi 3D.
The team are pleased with developing for the 3DS and spoke about their excitement about the future possibilities the console has. They also spoke highly about StreetPass and liked how this encouraged gamers to go out and interact with other gamers. Commenting on the 3D graphical power itself they stated: "[the] stereoscopic view helps to immerse the player into the levels, which is unusual for a side-scroller."
When asked about whether they'd like to develop for the Nintendo Wii U they seemed very keen to work on the console:
It would be awesome to work on Wii U, if just to explore new ideas. That handheld screen could open up some great possibilities for a tabletop kind of experience with friends, among others. Nintendo has always been known for its innovation and the Wii U is no exception. We're not only tempted but itching to develop for it!
Hopefully they will get their wish and begin developing for Wii U soon but in the mean time we have Shinobi 3D to look forward to. Be sure to read the full interview to find out even more about the upcoming 3DS title.