News: Guitar Hero DS Gets New Peripheral

Posted 07 Sep 2007 at 12:52 by Nathan Whincup
The stylus is ditched in favour of a new add-on.
Guitar Hero III is picking up a lot of followers with the Wii version, as people who have never been able to play it before due to PS2 and 360 exclusivity are starting to take interest in the latest installment. But what about the DS version, how is our twin-screened titan's version holding up?
The Austin Game Developers Conference revealed that Vicaricious Visions, developers of Guitar Hero DS, are actually creating a new peripheral for the DS which will be used in the upcoming rocking portable installment. Not much else is known about this device, but it's more than likely that it will plug into the GBA-slot and design manager Adrian Earle promises that players will "absolutely love it". Additionally, the game will keep to the same 3D art style as previous versions of the game.
Stay tuned to N-Europe for the latest on Guitar Hero DS.