News: Half of UK Wii Owners Aren't Playing On It

Posted 09 Mar 2011 at 20:59 by Ashley Jones
According to a recent survey half of UK Wii owners have not played the console in six months.
While the Christmas period is usually a busy one for Wii consoles it seems a lot of people simply didn't bother switching it on last year. A survey conducted by found that 48% of respondents who owned a Wii console had not played it in the last six months.
Gamerzines report that the survey asked 1,672 people over the age of 18 so it is by no means representative, given that the Wii console has sold several millions in the UK, but it does seem to indicate a trend.
When the participates who had not played the Wii in the last six months were asked why 41% said that they did not have the time to do so, 29% claimed the novelty had worn off and 22% had moved onto Move or Kinect.
According to the research 23% had not used their console in the last month, while 12% stated that they have not played it in the last week. Of those who had used it in the last month 39% said they only used it to play Wii Fit Plus.
"The Wii really was a novelty when it first came out, but following the release of new motion controlled gaming platforms it appears that people have lost enthusiasm for the console. Wii's are a great choice, particularly for families who want to keep all ages entertained; but, inevitably, new platforms start to take over, as motion-controlled technology develops and improves across the board. It's quite surprising to see that over half of people who own a Wii haven't used it in the past six months or more; but realistically, it's simply another example of the latest technology starting to become outdated."- Mark Pearson, Chairman of
As mentioned earlier this is obviously only a small sample and not representative of all Wii owners. Let us know when the last time you played your Wii was in the comments section below.