News: Harvest Moon Screens

Cube-Europe has been harvesting some new screens!

"For all of the great things that video games have allowed us to do, from saving the world from evil, to winning the World Cup, why is it the games with the more down to Earth themes that are the most addictive? Whether it be planning and building a huge city, manipulating the lives of a family or in this case running a farm, games like this all seem to be able to grab a vice like grip on you, refusing to let go until your social life is in ruins.

In fact, Natsume are so excited about their latest 'Harvest Moon' game, 'A Wonderful Life', that they have likened it to the kind of game that Nintendo might release as a first-party title. Can it possibly live up to that kind of billing?"

Read more about this game in our preview by following this link: Harvest Moon Preview.

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