News: Hatsworth Creator Set For WiiWare

Posted 11 May 2009 at 09:24 by Aaron Clegg
The brain behind the hit DS game Henry Hatsworth has announced plans to collaborate with the World of Goo team...
Kyle Gray - creator of the critically-acclaimed DS puzzler/platformer Henry Hatsworth - has announced that he has begun working on a brand new WiiWare title alongside key members of the team that brought the excellent World of Goo to WiiWare last year.
Speaking with Nintendo Life, here's what Gray had to say:
"Since I left I've been talking with a friend about making an iPhone game and have started working on a WiiWare title with my good friends Kyle Gabler and Allan Blomquist � who you might know from the excellent WiiWare game, World of Goo!"
Indeed, Kyle Gabler is one of the co-founders of original developer 2D Boy and Allan Blomquist can be credited with putting the Goo onto WiiWare.
There may be good news for Hatsworth fans too, as Gray spoke about the prospect of a sequel to that game.
"If I got a call from EA that gamers were clamouring for a second Hatsworth (call me EA!) then I'd once again don my bowler hat and set to work on the sequel. I think we only managed to scratch the surface of British stereotypes, and I've love to broaden out � into French stereotypes, for example!"
For the full interview, follow the link below.