News: Hidden Invasion
Posted 12 Jun 2002 at 10:08 by Gerben
When you were called into a terrorist crime scene, your typical Special Forces cynicism made you think that it was once again going to be a day like any other... But what was waiting out there for you was different - hell, yes - different from everything you ever had experienced before in the many years of your outstanding career in the Forces.
Hidden Invasion is an action-packed beat-‘em-up-game, in which you, a Special Forces leader, will encounter a strange, sinister threat. In this encounter “Hidden Invasion” will acquaint you with a feeling you thought you had overcome a long time ago: with fear, pure and cold...
In the unfolding action, you’ll get the opportunity to really get to know yourself, your strengths and limitations, to kick some major alien butt, and, by finding out what’s really going on, to save the world... Take the opportunity - it’s the only one you have!
It’s up to you to uncover a gigantic conspiracy, unseen before on our planet. Try to keep a cool head, when hordes of aggressive aliens are after you - after all there’s more at the stake than just your life...
Hidden Invasion merges astounding visual aesthetics with a cinematic storyline, thus generating a terrific dramaturgy and excitement levels only known from the movies - with you as the protagonist on and in front of the screen!
- Action-crammed 3D Beat-�em-up-game in an exciting horror-SciFi-scenario.
- Continuous cinematic storyline, divided into several chapters
- True-to-life animations through motion capturing
- Single player- and 2-player-cooperative modes
- Challenging mission objectives
- Big amount of effect-heavy weapons
Have a look at the screens to see what the game will be like:

Expect our preview soon!