News: Ignition for Budget GBA Titles

Returning after my computer crashed (again), I bring you the news that Ignition Entertainment is going to distribute a budget range (�15) of their GBA titles.

Ignition Entertainment today announced that it has signed agreements with distribution partners across the UK, Europe and North America for nine new Game Boy Advance titles, which began shipping earlier this month into the European market at the very aggressive recommended retail price point of 14.99 pounds sterling, a new breakthrough in GBA pricing. Ignition's nine new GBA titles will also be sold through UK retail giant Sainsbury's as well as GAME in the UK.

The nine titles include IK+, one of the best known classic Karate games of all time from the award-winning author Archer MacLean, which has sold in excess of one million units to date on 8 and 16-bit platforms, as well as suite of new and updated games including, Super Drop Zone, Monster Bass Fishing, World Star Tennis, Strike Force Hydra, Stadium Games, Pin Ball Tycoon, Demon Driver and Animal Snap.

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