News: Inazuma Eleven Delayed In The UK

Posted 01 Feb 2011 at 19:06 by Aaron Clegg
Wondering why you couldn't track down Inazuma Eleven in Blighty? Read on...
Level-5's DS football-RPG hybrid Inazuma Eleven was due to release across Europe last Friday. While we know some of our European friends have managed to track down the game, it soon became clear that the UK was suffering from a distinct lack of anime football goodness.
With gritted determination, N-Europe vowed to get to the bottom of this. Our powerful and influential contacts would give us the answers we craved, but they are unfortunately yet to exist, so we fired off an email to Nintendo UK's customer service folks instead. We received a reply today, which pertains to offer clarification and some possible hope regarding the game's UK release.
"Unfortunately, this game has been delayed slightly within the UK. We should have further information available about this very soon, but we would suggest that you keep an eye at, as any further information would be posted there first."
No reason was given for said "delay", but at the very least it's reassuring to see Nintendo acknowledge the game.
We'll be keeping an ear to ground on this one, so stay tuned.