News: Inazuma Eleven Heading To Europe!

Posted 09 Nov 2009 at 10:18 by Aaron Clegg
Level-5's quirky, Japanese RPG-football hybrid is heading for Europe!
While you may not have heard of the game, you should be familiar with the developer's high-quality body of work. Inazuma Eleven was an original DS game made by Level-5 - creators of the Professor Layton series and some of the latest Dragon Quest games. Originally released last year in Japan, the quirky RPG that mixed strategy with football (soccer, Americans) looked almost too out-there to warrant a release in the West.
Now though, it looks like Level-5 is working to bring Inazuma Eleven to Europe at least. Not only that, but reports also suggest the accompanying anime of Inazuma will also see a release in the region. Arait Multimedia - who has broadcasted anime shows like Legendz and Angel - looks set to show the OVA in Europe.
Level-5 hasn't made any official statements regarding the localisation as of yet, so keep it locked to N-Europe as future announcements are made...