News: Indiana Jones And The Staff Of Kings Details

Posted 04 Feb 2009 at 15:03 by Nathan Whincup
LucasArts have released brand new details and 7 completely snake-free shots from the upcoming Wii and DS game Indiana Jones and the Staff of Kings.
Aqua's 1998 hit pop song seems to have done some good, for Doctor Jones has finally awoken, and he's ready for a new adventure on the Wii and DS.
Indiana Jones and the Staff of Kings is set in 1939 and sees Indy going head-to-head with new (or rather, old?) nemesis Magnus V�ller in a high octane race to nab the Staff of Moses, which famously parted the Red Sea in Exodus, the second book in the Old Testament. Chinatown in San Francisco, Istanbul and the jungles of Panama are listed as confirmed in-game locations. Interestingly, Chinatown was the setting of the Indiana Jones next-gen tech demo, which was used several years ago to show off the Euphoria engine (recently used in Star Wars: The Force Unleashed).
Whilst the Wii version promises intuitive Wii Remote and Nunchuk controls, with the whip controlled via Wiimote flicks, the DS version will feature lots of touch-based puzzle solving.
LucasArts promise lots of whip-centric puzzle solving and gunfights, completely interactive environments (referred to as Hot Set environments) and various "run-for-your-life" moments which have become a staple of the Indiana Jones films.
A multiplayer mode will be available, with four players able to go head-to-head in biplane combat and tank battles.
Exclusive to the Wii version of the game is an unlockable bonus in the form of Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis, an early LucasArts graphical adventure game created with the SCUMM engine, which was also used to create the Monkey Island series, as well as the first Sam & Max title. Fate of Atlantis is also set in 1939 and features Indy's favourite group of fascists attempting to harness the power of an Atlantean god for their own nefarious uses. The title is widely regarded as a classic by most adventure game fans.
Indiana Jones and the Staff of Kings is due for a release on the Wii and DS this Spring.
LucasArts promise that there are more than 20 artifacts and unlockables to be discovered in Indiana Jones and the Staff of Kings.