News: Industry Analyst Expects HD Wii In 2010

Industry analyst Michael Pachter shares his opinions on when an HD version of the Wii will see release...

Speaking to GameTrailers, analyst Michael Pachter has said he expects Nintendo to release an High-Definition TV compatible version of the Wii "by next fall". What information he actually has to base this claim on is another matter, but he seems pretty sure:

Host: "The Wii HD is not coming this year, it's coming next fall right Pachter?"
Pachter: "Yes, next fall."

Of course, take this with an entire mountain of salt. Analysts get paid lots of money to make these claims, and can be guaranteed headlines whether they turn out true or not.

Whether Nintendo may decide the merits of HD are sufficient enough to release an update version of the Wii is something we'll only find out in due course. On the one hand, it could bring the Wii up to the technical capabilities of its rivals - especially useful since both the PS3 and Xbox 360 are expected to launch their own motion control systems next year. Though on the other, an entirely new console (rather than an add-on) could isolate current Wii gamers from HD Wii games.

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