News: It's On Like Donkey Kong

Posted 10 Nov 2010 at 20:24 by Ashley Jones
Nintendo are seeking to trademark the phrase "it's on like Donkey Kong".
The phrase "it's on like Donkey Kong" is accredited to Ice Cube, according to Urban Dictionary, and has cropped up in popular culture texts ever since. According to CNN however Nintendo are looking to trademark it.
The phrase, which means it is time for a high level "throw down", is certainly fitting for Nintendo's iconic ape. While it has not been confirmed whether Nintendo will be able to trademark it just the mere attempt has drummed up even more publicity for the upcoming Donkey Kong Country Returns.
In a press release issued by Nintendo they claim that "on Nov. 21 [the release date in America], It's on like Donkey Kong!" Whether or not it will be remains in the patent office's hands.