News: Iwata Asks - Dead or Alive: Dimensions

Posted 21 Jun 2011 at 06:04 by Ashley Jones
Satoru Iwata sits down to chat about Dead or Alive: Dimensions.
The third party developers set of the Iwata Asks series continues with Temco Koei's Dead or Alive: Dimensions. The released recently title is the first time the franchise has featured on a Nintendo console. Nintendo's president Satoru Iwata speaks to Temco Koei's Yosuke Hayashi, the company's leader.
As is typical with this series Mr. Iwata asks Mr. Hayashi about what inspired him to get into the video game industry before moving onto discussions focused on Dead or Alive: Dimensions and what the 3DS can offer.
Commenting on why he wanted to bring Dead or Alive to the Nintendo 3DS Yosuke Hayashi noted that fighting games are well suited for handheld consoles as they allow for short bursts of gaming split up by frequent breaks. He also states that within the arcade market five seconds is "all the time you've got to win players" and while this title is obviously for the 3DS instead of the arcade he tries hard to make the Dead or Alive franchise noticeable.
Since its release Dead or Alive: Dimensions has had its fair share of controversy and problems around the world. First Sweden banned the game then Australia removed it from shops, both claiming the camera mode broke laws of decency or paedophilia. While the discussion does not address these issues, primarily because it will have taken place beforehand, Mr. Hayashi does talk about how as a team they work hard to ensure the characters are fully realised individuals.
"At first, we determine their nationalities and personalities, but later on, as we develop that information into the girls, the staff members add in their own various personal touches...Some of the men on the staff really like a particular girl and will only offer an opinion on that particular character. Those feelings help the girls to grow up, so to speak."
The full discussion also features conversations about Metroid: Other M, the appeal of the 3DS and how well the development team get along. Be sure to check it out if you're a fan of the franchise.