News: Iwata Asks The Last Story

Posted 16 Dec 2010 at 16:50 by Ashley Jones
The 'Iwata Asks' series has a new instalment focused on The Last Story.
In the latest Iwata Asks the Nintendo President speaks to Mistwalker CEO Hironobu Sakaguchi and AQ Interactive's Takuya Matsumoto about The Last Story which has just been released in Japan. Andriasang has kindly translated the interview and lots of new information has been unveiled.
One of the most crucial aspects of The Lost Story is to give the player freedom and the game evolves depending on how you play it. Players can fully control the camera to ensure that the game plays out how they wish, with a handheld camera affect being used to make the game appear live.
To further ensure that the experience is personalised the game's online mode will allow you to customise the character's battle dialogue. Dialogue will not just be limited to cut-scenes and battles, complete with leaders shouting out commands during battle, however as your allies will talk to you while you are on the move. Unusual expressions will also be included, with one particular example being Yuri shouting "Father!" in battle.
In spite of all this freedom The Last Story will still have an extensive story mode and the developers hope that the freedom offered will ensure gamers partake in repeated plays. Hironobu Sakaguchi believes that the story is absolutely essential and has tried to ensure this is the case within The Last Story.
Up to six players can play the game online for either of its two modes: cooperative boss fights and competitive battle royal. The game's battle system features a "chain" system whereby allies take turns to attack enemies and build up more and more damage.
Players looking to experience playing as more characters other than just Elza will be able to do so in the online mode, with the ability to play as other character types such as mage. However, the exact details of this remains unclear at present.
The Iwata Asks series is likely to continue next week so stay tuned.