News: Iwata Discovers More About Ridge Racer

Posted 23 Feb 2011 at 20:54 by Ashley Jones
Satoru Iwata sits down with Yozo Sakagami from Namco Bandai to find out more about Ridge Racer 3D.
Ridge Racer 3D promises to give fans a racing game full of high-speed races and excitement. After starting off by talking about a chimpanzee that could play Pac-Man Yoko Sakagami, General Manager of Planning Unit 2 at Namco Bandai, talks to Nintendo's President Satoru Iwata about their upcoming 3DS game.
No 'Iwata Asks' interview is complete without an amusing anecdote and this one is no different. Apparently when he was applying for jobs Mr. Sakagami accidentally applied for Namco rather than Konami as he had intended, although given his current position he is probably quite happy with how it all turned out.
Discussing Ridge Racer 3D itself Yozo Sakagami states that when he first played the game he noticed that playing it in 3D was a completely different experience from doing so in 2D due to the added depth. Mr. Iwata asks what Namco Bandai has in mind whenever they release a new Ridge Racer title and Mr. Sakagami states that speed is the most important aspect to consider. He then adds, "the exhilaration that comes from that speed is where it all begins".
The game will take advantage of the 3DS' StreetPass feature by exchanging ghost data amongst players, which you can then later compete against at your convenience in StreetPass Duel. Ridge Racer 3D will also feature an impressive 150 racing locations and 40 songs to keep fans entertained.
Satoru Iwata and Yozo Sakagami also discuss Mr. Sakagami's personal employment history, his views on the 3DS and many others things during the conversation. The full interview can be found over on the Nintendo website.