News: Iwata Discusses 3DS Software Supply

Posted 11 Jan 2011 at 08:25 by Ashley Jones
The lack of Japanese launch titles for the 3DS disappointed some people but have Nintendo got a trick up their sleeve?
When the Japanese 3DS launch line up was announced many people were shocked at the lack of titles available, particularly given that many developers are working on titles. However, Satoru Iwata suggests that this was intentional.
In an interview with Nihon Keizai Shimbun newspaper, as translated by Andriasang, Iwata states, "it's important that you be able to supply software with no pause." After the launch of the Wii and DS many gamers felt there was not many other worthwhile games available for a while, and Nintendo seems to have listened.
"With the DS and Wii, following the titles that were released at launch, the momentum dropped when there was a gap in software releases. We're making plans so that this type of thing won't happen."
In the interview Iwata was also asked about Nintendo's plans to release the 3DS in developing countries. The Nintendo President stated that while there are no specific release plans at the moment, with all the available 3DS stock going to Japan, Europe and America, as a company they are aware of the impending importance of developing countries in the video game industry.