News: Iwata Gives Us The Revolutions Key Word

Mr Iwata has given us the keyword for the revolution, and makes one wonder what they have up their sleeve!

In a recent interview with the Kyoto Shinbun Mr Iwata-san has given us Nintendo's keywords for the Revolution.

Whereas the keyword of DS was the "heterogeneous commodity", the keyword for the Revolution will be "Paradigm shift of play (conversion of an existing frame)". See the definition of this below from the Oxford dictionary


paradigm shift noun


when the usual and accepted way of doing or thinking about something is changed

Along with this he explained that "I want to create the game machine that expands one's scope of business"* He continued "A concrete content is announced in international game trade fair "E3" held in the United States in May."*

So there we have it, we can all sit and wait for a Paradigm Shift I don't know about everyone else, but i can't wait for E3!

*please note these where translated with a translation tool and may not be fully accurate quotes

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