News: Iwata Talks Revolution Launch Plans

Nintendo's president Satoru Iwata yesterday told a Japanese newspaper that Nintendo is aiming for a pre-Thanksgiving launch in America.

The Nintendo boss has said that releasing the Revolution any later than this would risk low retailer support. The Japanese launch will then apparently follow before the end of the year. Plans for Europe weren't mentioned, though Nintendo Europe's Revolution minisite still has "2006" firmly dated as when the console will launch over here.

Talking about a price, he said it would be easy for consumers to deal with. While remaining shy of talking specifics, he commented that "even if it's a superb machine, it's not going to sell if it's [priced at] 50,000 yen." That amount is approximately $450, �285 or �413, depending on your local currency, so expect it to certainly cost a lot less than that!

He also mentioned that the Revolution consoles shown at E3 would be almost exactly like the consoles which would retail, except for a few minor changes that could still be implemented. While nothing ground-breakingly unexpected was revealed, it's good to know things are still on track. More as we get it!

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