News: Iwata: "Wii Are Out Of Ideas"

The arrival of Wii Music signals the end of the ideas Miyamoto originally thought up when he first put forward his proposals for the Wii.

Many gamers were left disappointed by E3 and the few games that Nintendo did show at the convention. Accusations were thrown around that Nintendo had 'abandoned' the 'core' gamer, which the Big N repeatedly shot down.

Speaking to the Wall Street Journal, Nintendo's CEO Satoru Iwata said that Miyamoto is currently out of ideas. "Wii Music completes what Miyamoto wrote in his proposal when he came up with the idea for the Wii," says Iwata, who went on to mention that Miyamoto said that he needed to think up some more ideas. Surely the father of modern day gaming has thought of at least one new concept over the past 7 or so years?

In regards to the MotionPlus Wii Remote attachment, Iwata-san claimed that the company will try to make the accessory as affordable as possible (Reggie previously stated that the MotionPlus will be offered at retail for the price it costs to manufacture, and that Nintendo will not be making a profit from the add-on). Games will be created that will be enhanced by MotionPlus though can be played without it, whilst some will require it.

And whilst on the subject of accessories, Iwata said that most of their ideas for the living room hogging lumps of plastic had already been developed and released, and we won't be seeing too many more on the Wii.

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to read the rest of the interview, in which Iwata-san talks about the successor to the Wii, expanding the market and Nintendo's stance on online gaming services.

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