News: Jack Thompson Turns Against Killer 7

In the aftermath of the Hot Coffee fiasco, Killer 7 is next in militant lawyer Jack Thompson's firing line...

Jack Thompson, Florida attorney, has attacked Killer 7 (out now for Cube and PS2), saying the Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB) should change the title's M rating for "Mature" to an AO rating for "Adults Only".

In an e-mail to the president of the ESRB, he quoted's review of the game, where it mentioned a "full-blown sex sequence". Not having played the game himself, it is believed he hasn't seen the actual scene itself, which features no on-screen nudity or intercourse.

This news comes a couple of weeks after he spearheaded the campaign against GTA: San Andreas over the now-infamous Hot Coffee mod. Killer 7 is just the latest game targeted in his on-going campaign, which has lately included demands that games such as GTA: Vice City and The Sims 2 be taken off the shelves or re-branded as a higher ESRB rating, claiming in one instance that the ESRB were "in the middle of a criminal conspiracy to distribute sexual material harmful to minors."

Writing to the ERSB about Vice City, he said the ratings board should be "kissed goodbye" due to it's negligence. Likewise with Killer 7, he claimed that the company already knew about the "full-blown sex sequence" within the game and yet chose to rate it as the seventeen-year olds and over only "M" rather than the eighteen-year olds and over "AO" rating.

This, was a "big mistake," he says. "If I were you, I would immediately ask the makers of this game, and all retailers, to pull it from store shelves. If you don't, expect for others to use this latest scandal, which I am hereby officially kicking off, to call for a dismantling of the ESRB. The fox has guarded the chickens long enough. Killer 7 seems to prove it."

The internet community have been quick to react to the various shenanigans of Jack Thompson, with fellow Nintendo site DSRevolution saying "what Mr. Thompson fails to realize is that the "sex scene" in Killer 7 is something you would find regularly in today's PG-13 rated movies." Meanwhile, The Best Page in the Universe commented on the original Hot Coffee fiasco with just a hint of sarcasm, that, while playing a game where you can shoot people in the face, sleep with prostitutes, traffic drugs, steal cars, and terrorize police officers, there was no need for "this filthy smut" in the game.

In related news, Gamespot have commented in their Rumour Control on reports of several game fans slightly upset by Jack Thompson's campaign, who are threatening to take action themselves. Warning: the link does contain some rather rude language, so we're marking it with an "AO" rating, of course, just to be safe.

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