News: Jane's Attack Squadron
Posted 16 Apr 2002 at 19:39 by Tim Symons
Xicat has confirmed with us that the next generation World War II flight combat simulation is now heading to the GameCube!
The focus of gameplay is on low-level attacks of tactical targets, over ground and sea. Missions include air strikes on a wide range of targets including warships, subs, trains, tanks, airfields, and factories. Other mission types add variety, and include Patrol, Intercept, and Strategic Bombing.
Missions are set in the Western European Theatre, primarily in Western France, Western Germany, and the Low Countries. Sea-based missions are flown over the English Channel and North Sea off the European coast.
Jane’s Attack Squadron offers single missions, campaigns, quick missions, and training missions. Campaigns combine single-style missions, and put the player in the role of squad leader, while quick missions allow the player to set a few parameters and jump into the fray. Training missions cover basics (takeoff and landing) and attack maneuvers (such as dive-bombing and using rockets and torpedoes).
Expect the game to be released hit the shelves on November 2002 in Europe!
Here are some screens of to wet your appetite!