News: Japan Finally Gets Excitebots

Posted 30 Aug 2011 at 15:54 by Ashley Jones
The North American-only ExciteTruck sequel finally hits Japan as a Club Nintendo bonus.
Released in 2009 Excitebots: Trick Racing was a sequel to ExciteTruck that added a healthy dash of wackiness to the game. Unfortunately for European and Japanese gamers the title only ever saw the light of day in North America, until now at least.
Andriasang report that the title is finally getting released in Japan, but not in retail or online stores. Excite Mou-Machine, as it will be known in Japan, is set to be made available for Club Nintendo fans for only 1,000 points.
Nintendo has even launched a Japanese website for the title so eager gamers can find out more information. Whether Nintendo of Europe will follow suite and bring the game out here remains to be seen but as always we'll keep you updated with news.