News: Japan's Christmas Wish List

Posted 25 Nov 2010 at 07:20 by Ashley Jones
Revered gaming magazine Famitsu has asked Japanese retailers what they think will do well this Christmas.
The Christmas period is always a big one for retail and as such large retailers can usually tell which titles are going to be popular. Adriasang has translated a feature from the latest issue of Famitsu in which Japanese retailers discuss what they think will be popular.
Speaking to representatives from Softmap, Bic Camera, Messe Sanoh, Geo Hyper Media Shop and Games Maya Famitsu asked them what they thought was going to do well this year. On the DS all the retailers mentioned Ni no Kuni: Shikkoku no Madoshi, the Studio Ghibli game that we showed you adverts for yesterday. There have been a great deal of pre-orders placed for this title and it seems to have won the hearts of female gamers. The game's included 352 magic book also seems to be a big draw.
On the Wii several games were mentioned by different retailers. Taiko Drum Master 3 is expected to repeat its success from the last two years and if you're unsure about what the game is don't forget we uploaded a trailer yesterday. The representative from Softmap mentioned Karaoke Joysound Wii Super DX as one of his picks while Maya's representative suggested Donkey Kong Returns and Geo's mentioned Kamen Rider Climax Heroe's Os.
Several issues ago Famitsu also asked its readers what they want and the results are pretty similar. 129 of their respondents wanted Ni no Kuni: Shikkoku no Madoshi, while 108 wanted Pokémon Black & White and 63 wanted Super Robot Taisen L.
Meanwhile on the Wii 144 respondents said they would like Super Mario Collection, 75 chose Taiko Drum Master Wii 3 and 57 opted for Mario Sports Mix.