News: Jessica Alba Loves Wii & DS!

Posted 16 Jun 2007 at 08:03 by Nathan Whincup
Fantastic Four star reveals her inner Nintendo fangirl.
Ever wondered why the Wii and DS have managed to maintain their status as the planet's official coolest pieces of technology? It's not completely down to the fact that non-gamers such as the elderly, adults and females have been sucked in like a vaccuum by Nintendo's battle strategy. It's also down to word of mouth advertising via the media, and who better to sing Nintendo's praises than Hollywood beauty Jessica Alba?
In a recent interview with Yahoo!, Alba has unleashed the fangirl within, and has made her love of Nintendo known to the world. When asked if Alba had played either of the games she had appeared in (Dark Angel and Fantasic Four), she had the following to say: "I have played both of those games, but I don't last very long. I get frustrated. I just got the Wii and that's fun. I play all of the Wii Sports games, like bowling, tennis, and baseball. That's a lot of fun. I think the physicality of the Wii gets people off the couch. Sometimes you can just sit there playing a video game for hours and never move and you're brain is just zapped from playing the game. With the Wii, you're up on your feet and moving around. The physical aspect of it is great, especially for kids."
Alba then went on to express her love of the DS. "I had my DS on the set of Fantastic Four and I bought it for my entire cast when we wrapped. I guess I just felt bad because between takes they'd be chatting and we were in the Fantasticar and I'd always have my iPod and my DS with me. It was like fingernail-biting, gripping moments in the movie and then, "Cut!" I'd pick up my DS and try to beat my 82 age in Brain Age. I'd try to memorize all of those damn words."
If it's not flattering to have Jessica Alba, voted the world's sexiest woman by FHM, praise Nintendo's consoles, I don't know what is. Click here to read the interview in full.