News: Justin Bieber Promotes 3DS

Posted 06 Dec 2011 at 23:42 by Joshua Phillips
Justin Bieber promotes the 3DS in his latest music video.
Justin Bieber can be seen joyfully playing the 3DS in his latest video with Mariah Carey, All I Want For Christmas Is You. The video see's him happily milling about a shopping mall before falling upon the 3D wonder.
This isn't the first time Nintendo have promoted their systems in music videos as earlier this year Katy Perry and Rebecca Black were seen busting moves on Just Dance for the Wii in Last Friday Night.
This sneaky promotion is surely yet another way of trying to attract a wider (and indeed, younger) audience since Iwata stated earlier this month that Nintendo feels now is the time to expand the 3DS beyond the core gamer.

Nintendo are also keen to point out that the DS and Wii are far from dead (though you knew that already after the crazy Black Friday sales) and are pushing various bundles this season. Add to that the new range of cheap Wii classics along with Professor Layton on DS and all three systems seem set to have a merry Christmas.
So, do you want to see a 3DS Under The Mistletoe? Or would you just prefer Somebody To Love? Whatever the choice, we want to know because when U Smile, N-Europe smile.