News: Kameo still coming

Yep, Rare's Kameo: Elements of Power is still coming to GameCube, exclusively.

We only heard something of Kameo at last year's E3. Since then, Rare remained very silent. After a question last week, Rare's website says that the company showed Kameo in an earlier state than they usually show their games.

Now we won't hear anything about it until it 'looks as good as possible'. They also said that we'll see something soon enough.

What does this 'as good as possible' and 'soon enough' mean exactly? That Kameo might hit the shelves before the end of the year? We have no idea. It's a good thing that the silence around this game has been broken again, and we can't wait for more news.

The site also says that Kameo is still a GameCube-exclusive.

Check out our preview here for more info on Kameo: Elements of Power.

And here are some screens for those of you who want to know what the game looks like.

Source: Rareware

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