News: KI: Uprising Will Probably Have Online Play

Posted 21 Jun 2011 at 12:25 by Aaron Clegg
Masahiro Sakurai confirms it is his intention to make the multiplayer element in Kid Icarus: Uprising Wi-Fi compatible...
One of the most pleasant surprises of Kid Icarus: Uprising's E3 showing this month was the inclusion of a multiplayer mode. The Sora-developed action game for 3DS will boast a 3 vs 3 'deathmatch' option and a 6-player free-for-all mode. But it wasn't confirmed whether the multiplayer will be playable online, or whether it was restricted to local-play.
The game's director, Masahiro Sakurai, has ended Sora's silence on the issue in an interview with IGN responding to reader questions. When the possibility of online play came up, Sakurai stated that no final decision had been made, but gave us all hope by revealing it was his intention to include a Wi-Fi mode.
"We're still in the middle of looking at the options for the wireless multiplayer mode, and I would say it's not totally out of the realm of possibility that we might end up not being able to implement the Wi-Fi online mode, but we're moving forward in development with the understanding and intention of making that a feature."
We'll bring you all the latest on Kid Icarus: Uprising as it breaks.