News: Killer 7 Developers Working On DS RPG

Posted 29 Sep 2005 at 07:52 by Tom Phillips
Grasshopper, the development studio that brought you Killer 7, is now making a RPG for the Nintendo DS! Click inside for more...
Called 'Contact', the game will center around an elderly professor, who explores space in his ship using something called an 'Element'. Unfortunately for him, he crashlands on an unknown planet, scattering his Elements, thus leaving him stranded.
The storyline sounds a bit Pikmin-like to start off with, but bearing with it, you'll soon be playing as a young boy named Cherry who offers to help the aforementioned Prof.
Interesting, the main character will level up by wearing uniforms - seven in total, including a chef, fisherman and pilot - which give experience after a certain amount of use and expand your magic skills. Fighting with normal weapons and magical 'Seals' as well.
Published in Japan by Marvelous Interactive, the game will be out February next year. Check out some magazine scans of the game below: