News: Kingdom Hearts 3D & Theatrhythm FF at TGS

Square Enix confirm that two 3DS titles will be available to play during the Tokyo Games Show.

Square Enix will give Tokyo Games Show attendees the chance to play a number of games but most importantly to Nintendo fans is the ability to play Kingdom Hearts 3D and Theatrhythm Final Fantasy on the show room floor. Alongside news of this Square Enix also shared some information about Kingdom Hearts 3D, a title that has not been talked about much since its announcement.

While the 10th anniversary of the Kingdom Hearts series is next year director Tetsuya Nomura states that his priority at the moment is to complete Kingdom Hearts 3D. The title seems to be progressing well as Mr. Nomura stated it is at the same quality as console titles and the motions shown in the trailers have been realised, with Kingdom Hearts 3D set to have the flashiest motions in the series so far according to Andriasang.

Tetsuya Nomura also confirms that development has increased lately to ensure the game comes out early next year, after which focus will turn to the series' anniversary. He admits that getting new players into the series is difficult now but they are planning a "HD technical test" to mark the anniversary and lure new fans in, although he didn't elaborate on what that means.

Interestingly Mr. Nomura referred to Theatrhythm Final Fantasy as the first Final Fantasy 25th anniversary game, suggesting more could be on the way. The Tokyo Games Show will mark the first time gamers have had a chance to play both Kingdom Hearts 3D and Theatrhythm Final Fantasy prior to their release in 2012.

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