News: Kirby Back on 'Cube?

Japanese gaming publication Nintendo Dream has revealed that a new Kirby game is under development- courtesy of HAL and Nintendo. More details inside.

Nintendo Dream, a Nintendo magazine from the land of the rising sun, claim in their latest issue that a new Kirby title is being produced by HAL Laboratory and Nintendo. The publication explains that it is unknown whether the title will be a previously canned project revived for GameCube-or a completely new idea. The magazine also tells that the game is set to be unveiled soon- partly due to the fact that the two companies want to show that Kirby is in no way dead- despite the recent departure of the pink ball o' gum's father- Masahiro Sukurai- from HAL Laboratory.

Interestingly, the publication also states that The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords on GameCube is going well- and that we should expect more collaboration-induced titles- such as Pac-Man and Metal Gear Solid- in the near future.

Whether this will turn out be to true or not is unknown, but you can rest assured that Cube-Europe will have the scoop.

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