News: Kirby & Fire Emblem on the Cube?

Forum Member qbas (thanks guy :-) posted the following today. Rewriting it wouldn't make much sense, so here's what he wrote:

This month's issue of Electronic Gaming Monthly (EGM) claims in its Quarterman section that Nintendo is currently working on new games in two of their most popular franchises, Kirby and Fire Emblem. According to the report, both games are in development on the GameCube and Game Boy Advance, with console-to-handheld connectivity in mind. We reported a while ago that HAL Laboratories, the Research & Development group at Nintendo responsible for Kirby, indicated that they were working on at least two new games in the platforming series. Fire Emblem, a strategy/RPG series that has never made it to North America, has a strong following in Japan. A game has been released on the GBA, and was actually announced by Nintendo for a domestic release, but rumor has it that it has since been cancelled.

EGM also claims that a GC installment in the "Wars" series (of Advance Wars fame) is most likely on the way, but that hasn't been clarified yet. No details about the new Kirby game or the Fire Emblem title have been detailed

We will tell you when we hear more.

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