News: Kirby Rolls Out In Europe Next Year

Posted 30 Jul 2010 at 05:49 by Aaron Clegg
The pink blob is set to hit Europe next year, while other first-party titles are re-confirmed for 2010...
With Nintendo's latest earnings report came an updated release schedule for Nintendo's future Wii and DS line-up, and the biggest news for Europeans was that Kirby's Epic Yarn is due to ship in the first quarter of 2011, despite being on-track for a North American release by the end of the year.
However, we're still due be sharing the Christmas fun with our American counterparts with titles such as Flingsmash, Donkey Kong Country Returns, Golden Sun: Dark Dawn and Wii Party, which are all set to release in the west by the end of the year.
Interestingly, Monolith Soft's epic Wii RPG Xenoblade, which released in Japan last month, cropped up once again on the US release list with a launch date of 'TBA', indicating the sliver of hope to be retained that the title will indeed see localisation one day.
To round off the list, other titles to be expected in Europe in 2011 include The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword, Mario vs. Donkey King: Mini-Land Mayhem!, Pokémon Black & White and Mario Sports Mix.
What are you most looking forward to this year and next?