News: Kirby TV Channel Launching Tomorrow

Kirby fans rejoice! The little pink ball's television series is getting its own Wii channel across PAL territories tomorrow...

It had already been confirmed for Germany earlier this month, but today brings news that Nintendo will be rolling out the Kirby anime series for Wii owners from tomorrow.

The show will be getting its own Wii channel, which will be free to download. Over 50 episodes of the show will be released, with the first 4 initially being made available. A new episode will be added every Monday and Thursday. Each episode will remain on the channel for two weeks before being replaced by newer ones, but there are plans to make the entire archive available for viewing at a later date. The first episode, however, will remain permanently viewable.

The Kirby TV Channel will be available to download tomorrow from the Wii Shop Channel in he United Kingdom, Germany, France, Italy, Netherlands, Belgium, Ireland, Greece, Luxembourg, Switzerland, Austria, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Australia and New Zealand.

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